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TipTopTemp® | Attachable Grill Temperature Regulator

$99.95 incl. GST

TipTopTemp®, an attachable grill temperature regulator, turns any kettle type grill into a smoker. The TipTopTemp® has a five-inch diameter base, a three-inch diameter second stage and is about three inches tall.

The grill temperature regulator uses bi-metal coils to control airflow to the kettle.  The dial  on top of the TipTopTemp® allows for grillers to customize the airflow. No batteries or wires, just simple temperature control.

Although designed for the Weber kettle, it is being used on the Big Steel Keg, Big Green Egg, Akorn and others. Some additional products have been used by the customers to secure the TipTopTemp® to the grill.  Check out our shop to see options we offer or check relevant forums for “hacks” to get the TipTopTemp® working on other grill types.

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