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Wagener Butler Multi

$3,199.00$3,699.00 incl. GST

Bulter Multi with Wetback 6kw fitted
The Butler Multi with its patented “Lion” Wetback system is a very efficient Hot Water Heater that will supply the average household with all its hot water requirements, along with room heating. In addition, the cooking surface situated beneath the removable grill is perfect for winter soups and stews or just to keep the kettle boiling. The Butler Multi has an estimated 6kw Hot Water Output & 8kw Heat Output (depending on fuel type used) and can fit into tight areas.

Special 2kw Wetback fitted Model
This option is for those households requiring more room heating and less hot water. It delivers an estimated 2kw of hotwater and 12kw of room heating.

Dry Model
The Butler Multi is available without a wetback as a 14kw Dry Model. It is particularly suited to those with a small home or granny flat who enjoy the modern compact design of the Butler Multi.

Now powder coated and baked.


  • Modern clean burning technology
  • Compact, space saving design
  • Very efficient hot water heating
  • Removable “Lion” Wetback
  • Cooking surface beneath a removable grill
  • Solid steel construction
  • Large Ash Pan
  • Deep brick lined fire box with grate
  • Removable baffle for easy cleaning
  • Simple finger tip Air control
  • Available in Metallic Black
  • 2 base heights (770mm or 910mm)
  • Multi Fuel (wood & coal)
Woodfire Options

Butler Multi Wet 770 with 6kw wetback, Butler Multi Wet 910 with 6kw wetback, Butler Multi Wet 770 with 2kw wetback, Butler Multi Wet 910 with 2kw wetback, Butler Multi Dry 770 (no wetback), Butler Multi Dry 910 (no wetback)

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