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Wagener Leon Multifuel

$3,749.00 incl. GST

Leon has all the features of Sparky but with an increased heat output of 16-18kw, an optional 3kw wet back delivering plenty of hot water and a fixed log box base for storage.
Leon has been built to work hard and stand the test of time just like his forebear the original Wagener Stove. He will keep you warm and cosy on the outside and will boil the kettle or cook a pot of soup or stew to warm your insides too. Leon can also be fitted with optional cook top rails as we do on Sparky.

Heat Output:
The Wagener Leon generates a comfortable 16-18 kw (estimated) heat output. A 3kw “Lion” wet back can be fitted to heat your hot water.

Top Rails fixed to the stove top & Painted Met black

Both Side Panels, Flue collar, lower air control – Painted

3kw Wet Back (Right hand side Front to Back Rear Exit)


  • Modern clean burning technology
  • Solid 5mm steel construction
  • Brick lined firebox
  • Removable baffle for easy cleaning
  • Optional “Lion” Wetback for hot water
  • Ash hearth floor protector
  • 5mm Cooking surface
  • Multi fuel
  • Ashpan and grate
  • Hi temp paint finish
  • Log base wood storage
  • Optional cook top rails
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